Well-designed Features

  • Friends

    Meet and make friends with players from different platforms

  • Chat

    Players can interact and communicate with other players in various scenarios

  • Leaderboards

    Rank the collected statistics and easily show players the rankings for a specific time period

Typical Applications


Build a social relationship chain in the game, enhance game player interaction, and support friends from different platforms to play against each other.

Our Services

The Friend service plays an important role in building and maintaining the game's social relationship chain. It includes event interactions such as finding, adding and deleting friends, getting friend lists from different platforms and friend requests.


Support sending and receiving messages between players in different scenarios, such as in party, in battle and in the world channel.

Our Services

Comprehensive text chat features are available, including live chat, group chat and friend chat (private chat). Through these chat methods, players can interact and communicate with other players. In addition, our chat service utilizes secure encryption technology to protect the privacy and security of our users. In the future we will also support voice chat.


Support player performance ranking in different dimensions, such as by region, by platform.

Our Services

Provide easy-to-use ranking configuration, you can customize the list capacity according to your game logic as well as reset frequency and whether to keep the original data, support DS and client reported data and abnormal player score removal.


  • Social Integration

    Provide a range of social-related services, including friend management, private chat, group chat, and leaderboard, which can help users to build and maintain social relationships with other players

  • Cross-Platform Play

    Support players from different platforms to add friends for in-game interaction

Help Document

Product Document

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Use Guide

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Development Guide

Understand the important functions and operation steps of GSocial